Satya Dharma Sudjana Gunung Madu Junior High School succeeded in winning four champions in the Az Zahra Great Festival (AG Fest) competition, on 23-24 February 2024, at the Az Zahra Islamic School Bandar Lampung. Syakira Mufida and Vito Mardiansa won second place in the vlog competition branch; calligraphy competition by Salsyabila Hersiana won second place; newscaster competition by Syifa Calistin won third place; and the story telling competition by Novia Adelina won second place.

In the competition at AG Fest 2024 entitled The Next Level, Dare You to Excel, the Satya Dharma Sudjana Junior high School participants proved their ability to compete with other schools throughout Lampung. The competitions held at junior high school level are quite prestigious, including the LCT, speech, calligraphy, tahfidz, badminton, talent show, newscaster, storytelling, vlog competition and digital competition categories.

AG Fest is an annual festival to commemorate the anniversary or celebration of the founding of the Fatimah Az Zahra Lampung Foundation and the gathering of students between educational institutions in Lampung Province. Activities in the form of bazaars and competitions in various fields including knowledge, arts, religion and sports.

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