The management of PT Gunung Madu Plantations (GMP) through Gunung Madu Peduli synergizes with the Ash Sholihin Mosque Prosperity Council, Kampung Gunung Batin Udik to distribute compensation to the poor, namely orphans and the poor, Tuesday, April 2 2024. In this Moment of Ramadhan, the compensation was handed over in the form of cash and a package of basic commodities consisting of 5 kg of rice, 2 liters of cooking oil, ready-to-eat food and 2 kilograms of Gunung Madu sugar, respectively handed over by the Head of Services, Iwan Kurniawan; Head of Area I Plantations Division, Bina Kusuma, and Chair of PT GMP’s Central Taklim Council, Mrs. Iwan Kurniawan. The recipients felt happy and thanked PT GMP and DKM Ash Sholihin for the program that had been rolled out by the company. Also present at this activity were Mr. Istiyahadi, Kepala Kampung Gunung Batin Udik Village, Mr. Ariswantoni, Member of the Lamteng DPRD, and Mr. AIPDA Amarusi Kanitintelkam, Polsek Terusan Nunyai.
Mr. Iwan Kurniawan in his speech said that PT GMP, through the GM Peduli program, is trying to present itself in the community, especially the people in the villages which are the safety belt of Gunung Madu. Through GM Peduli, Gunung Madu tries to improve community welfare through various programs, both physical and non-physical assistance. Apart from increasing economic flows so that the community prospers, “GMP always supports programs implemented by the village, because this is part of Gunung Madu’s concerns,” he said. Mr. Iwan appreciated DKM Ash Sholihin’s solemn efforts in trying to make the mosque prosperous, which is not only a place of prayer and worship, but also an epicentre for various interesting activities.
This social service activity was continued with tausiyah by Ustad Farhat Asy Syuja’i from Al Muhsin Metro Islamic Boarding School and breaking fast with the community at the As Sholihin Mosque complex, Gunung Batin Udik Village