Sub-village 7 of Gunung Agung Village, also known as Sepertu Agung Sub-village, is one of the sub-villages directly adjacent to the area of PT Gunung Madu Plantations (GMP). During the dry season, the sub-village often experiences drought, which impacts the residents’ hygienic activities due to a lack of clean water availability. GMP implements a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in mind, one of which is to ensure the availability of clean water and proper sanitation for the surrounding villages.

Therefore, on June 7, 2023, GMP handed over aid in the form of a bore well and a 2,000-liter water tower to Sub-village 7, Gunung Agung Village, Central Lampung. The representatives of the handover were Mr. Ngadiman from GMP and Mr. Sukardi from Gunung Agung Village. With this borewell assistance, GMP hoped that the sub-village residents would have access to clean water.

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