PT Gunung Madu Plantations (PT GMP) provided infrastructure assistance in the form of the Mataram Ilir Village Office, Seputih Subdistrict, Surabaya and Terbanggi Mulya Village, Bandar Mataram Subdistrict. The delivery of aid was handed over by Mr. Iwan Kurniawan, S.T, as Head of the PT GMP Services Department to the Village Heads in the 2 (two) Villages on September 30 2024.
In his speech, Mr. Iwan Kurniawan said that this assistance was part of the company’s contribution to participating in the development of areas around the company’s operational areas. “We hope that with the construction of this office, people can receive better and more comfortable public services. PT GMP wants to participate in supporting regional development,” said Mr. Iwan. It is hoped that the assistance of the Village Office, which was entirely built by PT GMP, can become a center for community activities, both for administrative services, community meetings, and other activities that support social welfare in Mataram Ilir and Terbanggi Mulya Villages.
The Head of Mataram Ilir Village, Mr. Helmi Johan, expressed his gratitude to PT GMP for the support provided. “This assistance means a lot to us, especially in improving services to the community. With better facilities, we are sure that service to residents will be optimal.” Mr. Helmi Johan also said that PT GMP has been active in social and environmental activities carried out in Mataram Ilir village.
This activity is part of PT GMP’s series of corporate social responsibility (CSR) programs which aim to support infrastructure development and improve the quality of life of communities around its operational areas so that good relations between the company and the community will become closer, and can provide long-term positive impacts for welfare of the surrounding community.