Taking an active role in supporting the education of the younger generation, PT Gunung Madu Plantations (GMP) handed over achievement scholarships to 123 elementary level students throughout Bandar Mataram District on Monday 26 August 2024 at the Ceremonial Grounds of each school. The scholarship assistance provided by PT GMP includes school bags, stationery and education funds for outstanding students in 5 schools in the area.

Coordinator of GM Cares for Education, Mr. Lanjar Widodo, said that the distribution of educational assistance is PT GMP’s concern to provide motivation for students to continue to excel and become a generation that is intelligent and highly competitive.

This scholarship is awarded based on academic assessments carried out by the school. It is hoped that the recipient students will be able to take advantage of this assistance to support their educational needs and be more focused on achieving their dreams. The Principal of SDN1 Terbanggi Mulya Mrs. Sri Wigiharti expressed her gratitude and thanks for the attention and support from PT GMP. “We are very grateful for this assistance. This is motivation for our students to continue learning and achieve better. Thank you to PT Gunung Madu Plantations for caring about the future of our students,” he said.

It is hoped that this scholarship program can help ease the burden of education costs for parents and increase students’ enthusiasm for learning. PT Gunung Madu Plantations wants to continue to contribute to the education sector, because quality education is the key to creating the next generation capable of building the nation.

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