PT Gunung Madu Plantations (GMP) is again contributing to helping the local community through the Gunung Madu Peduli program. This time, GMP distributed emergency response assistance to victims whose houses burned down in Ojolali Hamlet, Kampung Terbanggi Ilir, Bandar Mataram District on September 26 2024. This distribution of aid was also accompanied by the Head of Terbanggi Ilir Village, Mr. Suhariyanto S.IP

The assistance provided by PT Gunung Madu Plantations was in the form of basic necessities and suitable clothing to help ease the burden on Mr Hendri Kurniawan who was affected by the fire disaster. The handover of aid was carried out by Mr Egi Wira Gala as the company representative and received directly by Mr Hendri Kurniawan.

“We hope that this assistance can slightly ease the burden on our brothers and sisters who are victims of the fire. “This is part of the company’s social responsibility to always be present and care about the condition of the surrounding community,” said Egi. Through this assistance, GMP hopes that the victims can quickly recover and recover after the disaster.

The Gunung Madu Cares Program is an initiative of PT Gunung Madu Plantations in supporting the surrounding community through various social, environmental and health activities, especially in emergency situations such as other natural disasters. PT Gunung Madu Plantations continues to make positive contributions in every aspect of community life in the environment around the company.

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